Friday, February 19, 2016

Valentine's Day Gifts

Here is what my DH gave me for Valentine's Day this year... he is so sweet:

First, a lovely antique display shelf (actually a teacup/saucer display).  Of course I immediately had him hang it on the wall of my studio and filled it with sample cards.  

AND... Second this120 Faber-Castell Colour Pencils - Polychromos set; with a sharpener and two erasers, and Zig Clean Color Real Brush Set of 60 colors.  

AND...Third this 32 slot pencil/pen holder made with downspout pipe, I had shown him a photo from the internet some time ago and Viola! it appeared on the annual day of Love.

OMGosh a man who listens to my hopes and dreams AND does his best to make them all come true...My one and only Valentine, Thanks Honey.


  1. Betty, you are one lucky woman! Your husband does know you very well, and cares enough to make you happy.
    I've just discovered your blog, and will love exploring your past posts, and will look forward to new ones.

  2. Betty, you are one lucky woman! Your husband does know you very well, and cares enough to make you happy.
    I've just discovered your blog, and will love exploring your past posts, and will look forward to new ones.

  3. Sorry about the double comments. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.
